I'm Done!!!!!
I've finished a new story! I've been working on it for a long time, here and there. It's a romantic suspense. I don't want to get into details here though since it's headed for a new publisher I've never worked with before and I don't want to jinx anything. I hope it's accepted, but if not, I hope they can give me a direction to go at it again with edits. Time will tell.
I am finishing up the last of the shifter books. I am working on the final edits and will have them ready to go to Wings by the end of the summer.
I have a goal. I want to be a full time writer within five years. Why am I putting it here? Well, those who write their goals down for people to see are far more likely to achieve their goals.
It feels good to be writing again, even though I don't like cover letters, summaries, or log lines!
I guess that's all for now!
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