Hello again, again!
LOL It's been an eventful month. I sent fiery Strength into the publishers. It was refused, not on the grounds of weak story or characters, but on my grammar mistakes. I'll have to edit it through again. Not a big deal. I also gave it to one of the English teachers at my school and told her to use the mighty red pen.
My husband thinks it's funny that I take a rejection as a good thing. The story isn't as weak as I thought and grammar can be easily fixed. I will also say that it restores my faith in the publishing world when I find mistakes in all kinds of books that I never noticed before. My publisher has standards! Yeah! I knew I liked them! The English language is indeed still important to people.
I'll do the rewrites again and resubmit it. Hopefully they'll like it and contract it. It's the second in a series of four. I'm planning to start the fourth during NaNoWriMo this year. I'm a little over halfway through the first draft of the third book in the series.
I've started another story and finished the rough draft. At 53,000 words it's the shortest book I've ever written. It's only a rough draft and I still have to add meat to the bones of the story, but after struggling to complete FS it was nice to have one fly from my fingers.
Speaking of which, I should go and do that right now, work in adding attraction and wanton need into my current work in progress, Shaken. It's about a cop tracking down a serial killer hunting the night clubs in Portland, Maine. Yes there is actually a nightlife in Maine. Although it's a bit too far for me. I'm such a homebody.
If you ever do come to Maine, you need to check out the Old Port. I've never been there too much until the past few years with NaNoWriMo get togethers. Oh, NaNoWriMo stands for National Write a Novel in a Month. The goal is to get 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. I've done it for the last three years and finished every year except the first one. My daughter had an accident and it killed the mood to write anything. She's fine and so is my will to write.
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