Friday, October 07, 2005


Good morning all! I'm writing this today to tell those of you who have never heard of this crazy thing all about it. I've done it for the past three years and will be doing it again. My 2003 attempt will be released in February.

NaNoWriMo is National Write A Novel in a Month. The goal is to write at least 50,000 words during the month of November. I like doing it because it gives me an excuse to kill my internal editor who is constantly telling me that I'm no good that I should quit the writing thing. There are forums for every genre and every area of the world so you can commiserate with all the others crazy enough to try this thing.

I highly recommend this for anyone who thinks they'd like to try to write a book. In Maine, we have get togethers and meet face to face a few times. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who hears voices in my head, have scenes playing in my brain 24/7, and that I am indeed a writer and not crazy! LOL I have included a link that works, I hope. You should check it out.

Thanks Kathryn! Here is the link I left out! Sorry all!


My two cents worth,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't seem to find the link you said you had posted about the NaNoWriMo endeavor. It sounds like tons of fun to me.

If you could email me @ I'd appreciate it.

1:51 PM  

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