Good morning all! Today I'm going to talk a bit about phishing. If you don't know what it is, that's spammers sending emails with links for you to go to to "verify" personal information. I've been getting a lot lately about my PayPal account. Each one says someone has added a new email address to my account. Each one says I need to verify my account info by clicking the link below. Each one looks so official... well it's scary.
I never clicked the link, fortunately. I simply went to my account to see for myself this new address. There wasn't one. I emailed PayPal and they got right back to me. It's a fraud they said. I tend to be very leary of catching a virus. I never open mail I don't know, but like I said the email looked official. I'm so glad I decided to cut the middle man from this and check on my own account myself. I'm not savy about the computer. I thought it was real. I just figured rather than waiting for PayPal to erase the email, I was going to do it myself. I'm so thankful I didn't answer that email!
DON'T GIVE personal info out over emails!